оборудование для строителей России с 1971 года

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"Stroytechnica" Production Association (JSC)

The company is working in the field of construction and specializes in supplying various kinds of construction equipment, technology and fitment to construction companies, as well as integrating support for objects in a wide range of production.

The Company represents on internal and international markets products of Russian factories manufacturing various construction site equipment.

Basic groups of equipment:

  • Construction site hoists, cargo lifts, freight hoists.
  • Access platforms, building site lifts.
  • Scaffolds, building derricks, assembly floors.
  • Concrete mixers, batching plants, mixing plants.
  • Concrete-handling equipment, concrete pumps, timbering.
  • Well service pumps, feeders, cement warehouses.
  • Building cranes and hoisting machines.
  • Water drawdown equipment.
  • Drilling units.
  • Road-building machinery, custom equipment.
  • Construction metal structures.

Company also provides marketing services to promote products for the suppliers of construction equipment and machinery, and participates in works to design and start the production of innovations.

One of the company's field of activities is scientific and experimental research for projecting construction equipment and machinery, in cooperation with Road-Building and Technological Machines chair of the Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University. The company and the chair join forces to issue a scientific e-zine "Construction and Road-Building Machinery" where the works and papers by young researchers and scholars, as wells as educational and practical works by the faculty members, are published. The company also cooperates with such research and science institutions as Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and Bauman Moscow State University.

Company history

"Stroytechnica" experiment association was created in Moscow on the 7th od September 1971 under the order from the Ministry of Construction of the USSR. The association originally included plants in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Tula, Kanash (in the Chuvash Republic), Novocheboksarsk, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Cherepovets. Consequently, it incorporated industrial facilities in Monchegorsk (Murmanskaya oblast), Skuratovo (Tulskaya oblast), Petrozavodsk, Kaluga.

The Minister of Construction of the USSR G. A. Karavayev ordered to gather the necessary funds as soon as possible, in order to put into operation the major metalworks and mechanical engineering plants in the regions and republics of the USSR to produce construction equipment and machinery: hoists, cranes, concrete plants, timbering, concrete mixers, lumber. Besides, the manufacturing of special equipment to transport the machinery and construction materials, auxiliary facilities of small-scale mechanization, construction tools and devices, was aligned. In order to develop the necessary technical documentation, a set of specialized design organizations were founded with their own experimental shops and test sites.

The production of the "Stroytechnica" experiment association was supplied and enacted in almost all the main hot spots, as well as trouble spot of the USSR - this includes the sites of the 1980 Olympics in Estonia, liquidating works on the site of the 1986 Chernobyl explosion, building a major metalwork in Moldova, and other spot all over the Soviet Union where it was needed. Especially notable were the works on the rectification of consequences of the Spitak earthquake, where the concrete and custom equipment were supplied almost exclusively by the "Stroytechnica" experiment association, for which the Association and many of its employees were honoured with government awards. In 1990, the Stroytechnica (or Stroytekhnika) experiment association became one of the first mechanical engineering companies in Moscow to be re-organized into a joint-stock company, and goes on producing and supplying construction equipment and machinery to customers in Russia and the former USSR.

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